Tuesday, March 21, 2017

We had a busy few days.  Weekends can be that way.  Luna found a painted rock outside her art class.

She loves rocks and art so of course she loves these!  The tradition is to find it and rehide it for someone else to enjoy (unless of course you just can't part with it and then it is fine to keep it).  Luna can't seem to part with any of the painted rocks she finds.  She takes them right into her room and adds them to her collection almost before showing them to anyone else!

My parents were down for a little grandparent time this weekend as well!  Luna, Nana, and I went to a Doll and Teddy Bear show and out to lunch.  Of course Luna's favorite part of the show were the teddy bears and some jewelry that someone was selling in one of her booths.  Lunch wasn't bad either.

Gamer got to spend the day with Pa.  They managed some clothes shopping and grocery buying before they stopped for lunch.  There may or may not have been a battery powered bubble gun purchased as well.  😏

The kids have worked on their handwriting a bit.  It is safe to say that this is not one of their favorite subjects in school even though they both agree that it is something they need to work on.

We even out the horrors of handwriting practice with typing practice using this typing game on BBCs website.  They love the wacky animals and goofy songs they sing.  The kiddos usually beg me to start the school day with typing practice so I guess they really like it!

The weather was kind enough to take a break from all that rain and give us a window of sunshine.  We harnessed up Jimmy and took him for a nice long walk.  They also decided to have recess outside today before the rain started again.  In fact I looked out the back door and they were busy shoveling holes around the yard looking for buried treasure as the rain was starting to come down.  I had to convince them to come in from the rain before they made their colds worse.  Crazy kids!

I found a Math song on YouTube for the kiddos to listen to. It's a little cheesy but Luna has trouble memorizing Math facts in the traditional way.  She can bust out a song lyric months after hearing it though!  Can't hurt to try different ways of getting the information to stick.   

The kids also liked a new spelling game I found for free on their Kindles.  

SpellingCity.com has a free option that includes several spelling lists to work with.  Each list has a group of games that the children can play to help them learn how to spell the words on their list.  There is a paid option that allows parents and teachers to add their own spelling lists as well as access to additional games and the ability to track your child or student's progress.  We'll work our way through the lists that are offered for free before we decide on the upgrade.  There are a few Geography and History Apps I have my eye on as well so we have to be selective about where we spend our educational budget!

We are still finding the right tools and workbooks for our homeschool journey.  I have an Usborne History book coming in the mail soon that I hope to use in conjunction with a new History curriculum as soon as it gets here.  I can't wait to teach them to love History.  I absolutely hated it when I was in school.  It wasn't until after I was out of school that I discovered that I liked learning about it!  Fingers crossed!

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